Thursday 27 May 2021

Letter of No Objection for Vehicle Transfer in Sri Lanka









……... / .…….. / ……………...


Commissioner General of Motor Traffic,

Department of Motor Traffic,

No. 341,

Alvitigala Mw,

Colombo 05,


Dear Sir/Madam,


Letter of No Objection for Vehicle Transfer ( …………………….. )


This is to informing you that I have sold my above mentioned vehicle to Mr/Mrs ………...

…………………………….………….……………..……… of ………………………….….….

……………………………………………...….… holding the National ID ……..…..………..

and  I have no objection to transfer the documents related about the ownership of vehicle to the new owner.



Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



(Holder of NIC No. …………………………


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Tuesday 17 November 2020

Corona virus

Corona virus

The first common symptoms of Corona are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may also experience a runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, aches and pains, or diarrhea.

 Learn the most important ways to prevent the emerging corona virus

In this article, we will learn about how to prevent infection with Corona virus and the reasons that help it to spread quickly, and we will also inform you about the advice provided by the World Health Organization to prevent it.

Table of contents

  • Corona virus | Its symptoms and causes
  • Corona virus incubation period
  • Corona virus cure rate
  • The difference between corona and influenza
  1. Severity and symptoms
  2. Cure and death rate

  • Corona virus prevention

  1. staying at home
  2. Social distancing
  3. personal cleanliness
  4. The role of masks in preventing corona
  5. Using disinfectants to prevent corona
  6. Use cleaning materials to prevent corona
  7. Does sunlight help prevent corona

  • Are women and children less likely to get corona?
  • How do few people spread viruses widely?
  • Corona virus "is transmitted between humans before symptoms appear."

Corona virus | Its symptoms and causes

Corona virus is a large group of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Among the most common symptoms of Corona virus:

  • Fever, cough, shortness or difficulty breathing.
  • In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome to death.

Corona virus is known as an animal source, and this means that it first developed in animals and then transmitted to humans, and the Corona virus has not been definitively linked to a specific animal, but researchers believe that the transmission of this virus occurred in the open food market in Wuhan, China.

In order for the virus to be transmitted from the infected animal to the human, the person must have had close contact with an animal that carries the infection.

But the bad thing is that once the Corona virus develops and reaches people, the virus can spread from person to person through respiratory droplets (droplets), which is the technical name for wet substances that move in the air when coughing or sneezing.

The spray issued by a person with Corona virus contains a viral substance, and it can be inhaled by another healthy person through his respiratory system and into the windpipe and lungs, leading to infection from person to person.

Corona virus incubation period

"Incubation period" means the period between catching the virus and the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1 to 14 days, and the most common is around five days.

Corona virus cure rate

Recovery from the Corona virus depends on many factors, some of which relate to the infected person himself, such as his age group, or accompany it with other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and others, in addition to the strength of the person's immunity, compliance with laws and advice, and external factors as well, such as the quality of health care, And government measures to impose social distancing and cancel gatherings and other measures.

Epidemiologists say: The rates of recovery from the Corona virus will not be clear until the end of the outbreak period, as the complete data set will not be viewed until then, but it is worth noting that most people who contract the new Corona virus / Covid 19 often recover if they adhere to the system Quarantine in their homes, while some people only need hospital treatment and intensive care.

The difference between corona and influenza
  • Severity and symptoms

There is a misconception that Covid is no different from the common seasonal flu. Because both of them cause respiratory diseases and are transmitted through contact and respiratory droplets, or touching surfaces containing the virus after touching them with the infected person.

But the two viruses differ greatly from each other, according to data issued by the World Health Organization, 80% of Covid 19 infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe (require oxygen), and 5% are dangerous (require respirators), and these numbers do not It can be compared with influenza in any way.

  • The rate of cure and death

The death rate for people with corona is relatively higher than the influenza virus.

  • Corona virus prevention

There is still no vaccine to prevent Corona virus / Covid 19, so the best way to prevent disease is to avoid exposure to this virus in the first place.

It is believed that the virus spreads mainly from person to person, especially between people who are in close contact with each other (about 6 feet / 2 meters away), through respiratory droplets resulting from the cough or sneeze of the infected person.

Staying at home

In the case of home isolation, you must:

  • Not leaving the house for any reason, and exercising at least once per day.
  • Maintain a distance of two meters from other people.
  • Order your needs by phone or online.
  • Cancel or postpone the reception and visit of friends and family at home.

Social distancing

Physical distancing or social distancing by avoiding large public gatherings or public transportation, and staying away from others when you are in a public place, while keeping at least two meters (6 feet) between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Because coughing or sneezing produces small liquid droplets (droplets), and these drops may contain the virus, which leads to infection.

Personal cleanliness

Ensure personal hygiene in general, and hand hygiene in particular, by washing them with soap and water for a period of at least 20 seconds, especially after returning in any public place or after coughing or sneezing.

If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol by applying sanitizer to the surface of your hands and rubbing them together until it dries.

It should be reminded that it is necessary to avoid touching the nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands, because this led to infection.

The role of masks in preventing corona

The infected person must wear masks when approaching other people, and before entering health care places, and if he is unable to wear a muzzle (for example due to difficulty breathing), the patient must do his best to cover coughing and sneezing, and people who live with the affected person must wear a muzzle When you approach him.

There is no need to wear masks in case of non-contact with patients.

Using disinfectants to prevent corona

Surfaces that people usually touch should be wiped with regular household soap or other cleanser, and then rinsed with water. It is also recommended to use a household disinfectant, such as bleach (chlorine).

The active ingredient (Sodium hypochlorite) eliminates germs, fungi and viruses in the bleach. However, you must take care to protect your hands when using bleach (by wearing rubber gloves, for example) while extending the bleach with water according to the instructions on the package. It is also possible to use disinfectants and sterilizers that contain alcohol with a percentage not less than 60-70%, or materials that contain 0.5% hydrogen peroxide.

People should not confuse the materials used to clean surfaces with the materials suitable for human use from disinfectants, because each substance has its own characteristics and prohibitions of its use.

It is worth noting that continuous cleaning with soap and water for a period of at least 20 seconds is sufficient for personal hygiene, and sterilizers and disinfectants should not be used after that.

Use cleaning materials to prevent corona

Cleaning using soap or detergents and water removes germs, dirt and impurities from surfaces, and reduces their numbers and the risk of infection spread, to be followed by sterilization and disinfection to completely eliminate germs and viruses, and this process must be done regularly and repeatedly in order to ensure that there are no causes of infection and disease.

It is imperative to take care of the safety and protection of hands when using chemical cleaning products, and follow the safety guidelines on cleaning products and disinfectants.

It should also be noted that the focus should be on cleaning and disinfection on the most touching surfaces and things such as door handles, bathroom faucets, keyboard, desks in the workplace, children's games in schools, and other things that pose the greatest risk in transmitting the infection.

Does sunlight help prevent corona

Not all common information about this is true, and it has never been proven.

Are women and children less likely to get corona?

Information emanating from extensive studies by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control indicates that, given 44,000 people, 2.8% of infected men died, compared to 1.7% of women.

0.2% of children and adolescents died, compared to nearly 15% of people over the age of 80.

Looking at the possibilities around these results, we find that:

Either these groups are less likely to be infected in the first place, or their bodies are better able to handle the virus.

"One of the most important reasons for this is that we do not see many cases of infection in children, because they are often protected from disease outbreaks: parents keep children away from infected patients," says Dr. Natalie McDermott of Kings College in London.

Either the reason is that men are often in worse health than women, because of a bad lifestyle, such as smoking and other harmful habits.

This study may be special in China and cannot be generalized, as it is estimated that about 52% of men are smokers, compared to only 3% of women.

But there are other differences in the way men's and women's immune systems respond to infection, says Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia: “Women have fundamentally different immune responses than men. Women suffer from autoimmune diseases, and there is good evidence that Women produce better antibodies for influenza vaccines."

How do few people spread viruses widely?

Studies indicate that each person infected with the Corona virus transmits it to two or three other people, on average, and the infection numbers may double that in some cases.

The infection and its spread depend on the person’s awareness and sense of responsibility, and according to following the necessary recommendations and adherence to quarantine.

Corona virus "is transmitted between humans before symptoms appear."

As we have indicated elsewhere in this article, the main way the disease spreads is through droplets produced by the respiratory system from an infected person when he sneezes or coughs. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone who has no symptoms at all is very low.

But according to "Robert Redfield", director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 25% of people infected with the Corona virus may not show symptoms of infection but can still transmit the disease to others.

Redfield added: Those infected people who do not have any symptoms are most likely contributing to the rapid spread of the Corona virus around the world, which makes it difficult for experts to assess the true extent of the epidemic.

Now see an interactive map that shows in numbers the areas of the emerging corona virus: Corona infections around the world

Sunday 18 October 2020

Police investigating Omainthai double homicide


Police investigating Omainthai double homicide

Letter of No Objection for Vehicle Transfer in Sri Lanka

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